"Sort photos and videos" feature

By default the photos and videos are sorted by date descendently. Having a limited storage space, it would be nice to have the possibility to sort them by size (ascendant and descendant) to quickly remove (or reduce the (...)

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Ability to downgrade to previous firmware

It would be great to be able to downgrade to previous firmware versions. As with any system, new firmware introduces new features but also new bugs that in some cases may make the whole thing unusable. In my case, 3.3.3 (...)

New feature Backlog
Docker Version of the server

Produce a Version of the Server which could be installed as a docker on a NAS for example. This would avoid having redundant Hardware to store photos, music, Videos, documents,....

New feature Backlog
Account switching in one App (Phone AND Desktop)

I have a lot of Photos. Some are privat photos for traveling and Family events and others are for Work.  I know I can have to separat accounts on my monument one for work and one for my private pictures. but I would (...)

New feature Backlog
Automatic crop based on AI

Add a functionality that create proposition of photos with a better cropping based on IA. That will allow to have better and nicer photos, just with a simple crop.

New feature Backlog AI contentManagement
Link Face recognition to Contacts services

Add the possibility to connect Contacts service like Google Contact and link People and Face recognition to Contacts. That will allow to search among contacts and link Faces to it.

New feature Backlog
Shortcuts for desktop clients

While navigating through photos, it would be great to be able to mark the image I'm seeing as a favorite without the mouse, just pressing a key (I would like it to be the spacebar, it was the one the old Picasa client us (...)

New feature In Progress browsing desktop
Use tags in other languages

Adding support to search keywords in German, French and Spanish e.g., months and days. 

New feature Backlog
Photo quiz

Create and invite others to your photo quiz. 

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Selecting cache folder on Desktop app

Customize the location of the cache folder on the desktop app. 

New feature Backlog

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