I did a few specific tests with metadata, and the problem is with setting file Attributes (Archive, ReadOnly,Hidden, etc.). All backup solutions I have (Robocopy for Windows, PhotoSync for iOS, rsync for Linux) by default copy these attributes over to the new location.
I tried to set the Archival attribute manually and with CLI, both produce the errors below.
I also work with storage arrays and have Samba based NAS shares. I know that setting file attributes is the basic and core function of a file share.
Please let me know how to extend user permissions to allow setting attributes on files and folders.
Error from Robocopy (copying file attributes from original file):
2023/07/28 18:02:50 ERROR 50 (0x00000032) Changing File Attributes \\M312A12-********\*********\Other Files\
The request is not supported.
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